These are the 10 most expensive spices in the world, do you have any of these in your kitchen?

These are the 10 most expensive spices in the world, do you have any of these in your kitchen?


We use many types of spices every day in our house. We consume a lot of spices every day, from morning tea to dinner. But do you know which are the most expensive spices in the world? Today we will tell you about the 10 most expensive spices in the world. 

Saffron  It is one of the most expensive spices in the world. In this too, pure Iranian saffron is the most expensive spice till date. We also call saffron red gold. Saffron spice is made from the crocus plant and has to be picked by hand. The price of one gram of saffron is around 9 dollars. Let us tell you that most of the saffron is produced in Iran and Iranian saffron is considered to be the purest. However, saffron is also found in Afghanistan, Spain and India. 

Pasilla de Oaxaca Chile

Pasilla de Oaxaca Chile is also one of the most expensive spices in the world. is one of. This is more than the Oaxaca region of Mexico. Let us tell you that Pasila chili pepper is much spicier than traditional Pasila. The price of pasilla de Oaxaca in Oaxaca is about $16 per pound. Whereas in America its price can range from $40 to $60 per pound. 

Green cardamom

One of the most expensive spices in the world. There is also green cardamom. These cardamoms are very popular in Indian cuisine. They are also used in Scandinavian cooking in dishes such as pulla. Apart from this, green cardamom is also known to reduce swelling. Because cardamom powder contains flavonoid quercetin. Some studies have shown that people who have included green cardamom in their daily diet have less anxiety and depression. Its price in the market is around 30 dollars per pound.

Grains of Paradise

Grains of Paradise are also known as Alligator, Guinea or Melegueta. Is. It occurs more in West Africa. This herbaceous perennial is scientifically known as Aframomum melegueta, which is a member of the ginger family. It costs US$31 per pound. 

Kaffir Lime Leaves

Kaffir lime leaves are expensive because they are harvested from tall, thorny trees. Have to break it by hand. These are also called makrut-lime and are very popular in Thailand. Let us tell you that Kaffir lime leaves are used as spices for soups and stir-fries as well as in curries and other dishes. Fresh Kaffir lilies are available in California and Florida. Kaffir leaves remove Vitamin C deficiency. Its price is 35 dollars per pound.  

Black cumin

Black cumin is different from regular cumin, which is usually brown in color. It has a sweeter, more sour taste. This type of cumin which is darker and thinner than the black caraway or nigella varieties. Let us tell you that black cumin is used in the Middle East, Southeast Asia and Africa to treat conditions like asthma and arthritis. It is rich in more than 100 vitamins and minerals. Apart from this, its oil can be used to fight fine lines, reduce blemishes etc. That’s why it is very expensive. Its price is 30 US dollars per ounce. Let us tell you that there are 28.35 grams in one ounce. 

Long black pepper

Long black pepper is also known as Pipli. It is the fruit of a flowering vine plant and is considered one of the most expensive spices in the world. This conical looking spice was once very popular in India and Africa. Its price is 5 US dollars per ounce.


Mhaleb, Mahlepi is a common name of this spice. Mahlab is also expensive because it takes a lot of time to pluck the cherry seeds. The seed grains are dried before grinding or selling them whole. This spice can be found in Greek and Middle Eastern cuisine. Let us tell you that Mahlab is not famous outside America. Whereas the price of Mahlab is 5 to 6 dollars per ounce. 

Vanilla seeds

Vanilla is also an expensive spice. Let us tell you that Madagascar produces 80% vanilla in the world. In the 1980s and 1990s, consumers preferred cheaper synthetic vanilla, so some vanilla farmers stopped producing vanilla. Vanilla beans can be stolen, so some farmers harvest the beans before they are fully ripe. However this reduces the quality. Let us tell you that vanilla vines take up to four years to mature. Its price is US$20 for 6-8 pods. 

Fennel Pollen

Organic Fennel Pollen is the second most expensive spice. Fennel pollen is found in abundance in Italy. Fennel pollen has the taste of fennel, citrus, liquorice and black pepper. It is liked by some of the best chefs of the country. Fennel seeds and pollen are used as herbal remedies for various ailments. Apart from this, it is believed that fennel is helpful in treating eye problems and reducing cataracts in elderly people. Its price is US $ 30 per ounce.

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